Fisheries – Principle 4 | Seafood MAP

Optimizes resource management


Optimizes resource management
In a continuously changing environment, capture fisheries should optimize and manage stock resources. Fishers should comply with relevant laws and regulations on maximum catch level to ensure wild populations remain healthy and productive. Fisheries should comply with fishing best practices to minimize negative impacts on wildlife through stock assessments and management measures. Optimizing resource management also includes active monitoring, surveillance and control for vessel and management areas.
Associated GSSI Global Benchmark Tool components: 
  • D1.01 Governance and Management Approach – Designated Authority 
  • D1.03 Governance and Management Approach – Best Scientific Evidence Available 
  • D1.04 Governance and Management Approach – Best Scientific Evidence Available 
  • D1.12 Governance and Management Approach – Compliance of the fishery 
  • D4.06 Assessment Methodologies – Non-Certified Catches 
  • D4.10 Assessment Methodologies – Endangered Species 
  • D5.01 Management Measures – Certified Stocks 
  • D5.04 Management Measures – Non-Certified Catches 
  • D5.06 Management Measures – Endangered Species 
  • D6.05 Stock and Ecosystem Status and Outcomes – Non-Certified Catches
Associated SSCI Social Compliance Benchmark Tool components:

