Our Mission

Connecting seafood actors to accelerate sustainable change and the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda.

As estimated by the Certifications and Ratings Collaboration, 2021

Why we need Seafood MAP

Seafood is one of the highest-traded food commodities in the world, providing 3.1 billion people with their primary source of protein. To accelerate sustainable change, seafood value chain actors need clear guidance to be able to produce, purchase, and trade seafood in a responsible manner.

Small-scale operators in particular play a significant role as contributors to global seafood production - but often lack the means, resources, and incentives they need to grow into sustainable, thriving members of their communities. The key to improving the sector's sustainability lies in bringing local and global actors together, promoting collective action, and providing pathways for improvement.

What is Seafood MAP?

Seafood MAP is a digital platform that allows fisheries and aquaculture actors to map their sustainability efforts through a powerful combination of storytelling and measuring impact against the UN SDGs.​​

Share their knowledge to find sustainability and market solutions.
Turn their commitments into meaningful action with efficiency and leadership.
Demonstrate their impact and unlock support from a global community.

Programs include NGO’s, and local initiatives by producers, government, or development agencies.

Access sustainability data to make informed investment decisions.
Showcase their rigorous standards and build capacity towards trusted assurance pathways.

Who can connect on Seafood MAP?

We are all trying to reach the same destination: a sustainable seafood sector as outlined in the 2030 Agenda. ​To do this, we need to work together. Seafood MAP works to connect various actors - all on one platform.

What will you do on Seafood MAP?

Hear from the Seafood MAP Community on why Seafood MAP matters and the value it has for them.

“Seafood MAP gives an opportunity to match available socioeconomic and cultural support with the reality that small-scale communities find themselves in. Many communities are non-formal, which limits their participation in important governance and decision-making processes. Seafood MAP has the potential to drive change towards fair systems by mobilizing awareness and support from programs, buyers and others in meaningful ways if these core issues faced by small-scale fisheries are considered equally important as the economic ones.” 

Vivienne Solis Rivera, CoopeSoliDar R.L

“Seafood MAP promotes transparency at the small-scale producer level but also serves as an educational tool. For small-scale actors who may not have experience reporting data, but also for larger companies to learn how to drive improvements in the supply chain. Seafood MAP will unlock new evidences of sustainability that serve seafood actors globally.”

Angel Matamoro Irago, Nueva Pescanova

“Seafood MAP offers a first step for us to increase overall production sustainability on the African continent. It allows us to be part of a global platform before certification, and learn about markets that do demand a certain level of certification. Seafood MAP will allow us to raise up the standards, increase the presence of certification bodies and associations that maintain a specific quality, and work with producers to start selling in such markets.” 

Madeleine Mung’ei, Victoria Fish Box

“As a distributor and a buyer, Seafood MAP gives us the tool to find suppliers who share our values, whilst understanding that they may not yet check all the boxes. What matters the most is that we can reach out to those communities and start building a relationship based on trust and transparency.” 

Stacy Schultz, Fortune Fish 

“When doing due diligence on a new investee, we need to go to multiple sources to have an understanding about stock status, who is doing what, how is a fishery regulated. Seafood MAP will bring this all together by combining user data and external data and by providing interlinkages with other platforms where more can be learned.” 

Veronica Yow, Meloy Fund  

Where are we going

2018 – 2021

Phase 1 | Scoping & Conceptualization

2018 – 2021
2022 – 2023

Phase 2 | Platform Design & Sector Engagement

2022 – 2023
2023 – 2025

Phase 3 | Platform Buildout & User Onboarding

2023 – 2025
2025 – 2026

Phase 4 | Scaling & Expanding

2025 – 2026

Our Champions

Thank you to these Seafood MAP Champions who have provided seed funding on our journey.

The Taskforce

Thank you to these GSSI Partners who have supported the development of Seafood MAP since 2021.