Fisheries – Principle 8 | Seafood MAP

Prioritizes inclusion and equity of gender, indigenous people and youth


Prioritizes inclusion and equity of gender, indigenous people and youth
Women engage in various types of fisheries activities from harvesting to processing. FAO reports show that women constitute over 40% of the small-scale fisheries value chain and industry workforce and yet are underrepresented in leadership and ownership. Their work in fisheries lacks formal recognition and women are vastly underrepresented in decision making. Active engagement of women, youth and indigenous fishers makes strong economic contributions to households and communities. Equal education, women economic empowerment, and increased economic benefits should be prioritized with use of human rights based approaches. Skills development, training and educational opportunities are crucial to advance youth capacities in fisheries, strengthening the role of fisheries for future food security. It allows young fishers to be empowered to pursue better economic opportunities within the sector.
Associated GSSI Global Benchmark Tool components: 


Associated SSCI Social Compliance Benchmark Tool components: