Fisheries – Principle 2 | Seafood MAP

Builds community resilience and self-sufficiency


Builds community resilience and self-sufficiency

Coastal communities are centers of economic prosperity and fishers’ livelihood. When it comes to governing resources in coastal areas, co-management between fishers and communities contributes to social, economic and environmental resilience which allows all to grow together sustainably.

Livelihood improvement is front and center for small-scale fishers and fishworkers. Working together with local communities while improving their livelihoods helps to secure and sustain production. Traditional practices and cultural heritage should also be maintained and preserved. Indigenous fishers and local communities should be provided with tenure rights and preferential natural resources access. The resilience and self-sufficiency allows fishers and fishworkers to maintain and improve their livelihoods.

Associated GSSI Global Benchmark Tool components: 


Associated SSCI Social Compliance Benchmark Tool components:
  • Primary Production 3.06 Forced Labour
