Superior Fresh
Steve Summerfelt

Chief Science Officer

Number of operations


In operation

5 years

Which government agency grants the license to farm?

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection

What is your source of operating capital

  • Self-financed

Production methods

  • Land-based – dual aquaponic



  • Atlantic salmon


  • Best Aquaculture Practices
  • RSPCA Welfare Standards for Farmed Atlantic Salmon
  • USDA National Organic Program’s Organic Standards for Produce
  • Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World
  • Non GMO Approved by A Greener World
  • Superior Fresh’s Standard Operating Practices
  • Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection

Community partners

  • Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program
  • Riverence
  • University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
  • Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection
  • The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute
  • Atlantic Salmon Federation
  • Recirculating Aquaculture Salmon Network
  • American Chef Federation
  • Wisconsin Restaurant Association
  • Wisconsin Grocers Association

USA | Wisconsin | Western Wisconsin | DrHixton

Superior Fresh


Superior Fresh DrHixton, WI 54635

Regional Characteristics

Driftless Region, Rolling Bluffs

Regional Challenges

Strict phosphorus discharge limits on wastewater

Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change

What are you doing to address emissions associated with transportation?

  • Never air freight to major markets or overseas

Are you using or transitioning to renewable energy sources?

Yes, using and increasing

What renewable energy resources are you switching to?

  • Wind

Our mission is to provide safe, organic, and dependable food in a sustainable way – without the use of hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides. Our mission is to do all of these things with minimal use of our natural resources, so that we can actively restore and heal the nature around us.