Hog Island Oysters Co.
John Finger

Founding Partner, CEO

Number of operations

4 separate leases within Tomales bay. Humboldt bay is nursery/hatchery, and soon to be 2nd farm.

In operation

38 years

License grantors

  • CA Dept fish and wildlife
  • CA Coastal Commission
  • CA Dept. Health Services
  • Federal Army Corps of Engineers

Production methods

  • Tide Tumbled (inter-tidal longlines)
  • Rack and Bag
  • Rafts
  • Floating Longlines
  • Bag on Bottom



  • Pacific Oysters
  • Kumamoto Oysters
  • Atlantic Oysters
  • European Oysters
  • Olympia Oysters
  • Manila Oysters


  • Hatchery – High Health
  • ISSC – Interstate Shippers Llist
  • CDPH – Growing Area Cert.
  • Shellstock Shippers Cert.
  • CA DFW – Import Permits

Community Partners

  • Bay Watershed Council
  • Marin County Resource Conservation District
  • Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition
  • Pacific Coast Shellfish Browers Association

USA | California | Tomales Bay | Marshall

Hog Island Oyster Co.


Marshall, CA 94940

Regional Challenges
  • Ocean acidification
  • Sea level rise
  • Water quality threats
  • Labor shortages

Treats workers with respect and fairness; Advances gender equality and women’s empowerment

Do you provide health care or equivalent?


Please check all that describe your working conditions and workplace expectations

  • Pay Fair & competitive wages
  • Conduct Workplace hazard and safety analysis/audit
  • Workplace Trainings (safety, environmental, or social)
  • No bonded, forced labor, trafficking, or child labor
  • Established Grievance Process
  • Allow/do not inhibit Collective Bargaining

How do you further gender equality and women’s empowerment?

  • Ensure pay equity
  • Equal Opportunity hiring and access to advancement or leadership positions
  • Sufficient Maternity/Paternity Leave

Do you engage in mentorship?


Do you mentor people from traditionally underserved, marginalized, or unsupported groups?

  • Women and/or gender non-binary people
  • Immigrants

Cultivate the Best is our promise statement. By that, we mean we put special effort into cultivateing the best shellfish, the best people, the best places to work, the best environment, and the best communities.

Hog Island Oyster Company is a community of friends and family, farmers and chefs, customers and neighbors. We cultivate, create and serve the best oyster experience possible. We maintain respect and integrity in all our relationships: with ourselves, each other, our customers, our communities, and our planet. We continue to evolve in positive ways, as a company and as individuals – and we pledge to help each other do this. We are mindful of our sustainability – environmental, social, and financial, and the role it plays in our success – now, and in the future. At Hog Island, we choose to enjoy our work, have fun, and share this with our customers.