4 separate leases within Tomales bay. Humboldt bay is nursery/hatchery, and soon to be 2nd farm.
38 years
3 million market size oysters
10 million seed oysters
Marshall, CA 94940
Do you provide health care or equivalent?
Please check all that describe your working conditions and workplace expectations
How do you further gender equality and women’s empowerment?
Do you engage in mentorship?
Do you mentor people from traditionally underserved, marginalized, or unsupported groups?
What are you doing to address emissions associated with transportation?
Are you using or transitioning to renewable energy sources?
Yes, using and increasing
What renewable energy resources are you switching to?
Are you collaborating with researchers to study and prepare for climate change’s impact on shellfish farmers?
What measures do you put in place to limit entanglement or impact on wildlife?
How does your operation impact the local environment?
Do you support or lead any habitat or ecosystem restoration projects?
Yes, restoration.
What measures do you take to ensure high water quality?
How else does your farm benefit water resources?
Do you reguarly test for contaminants?
Do test results reflect safe and healthy levels of contaminants?
What measures do you take to provide a healthy and safe growing environment for a safe product?
What nutritional characteristics or benefits do your products offer?
What measures are you taking to improve consistency and uniformity?
What handling practices are in place to improve flavor, freshness, and shelf life?
Do you work with, employ, or buy from small holder farmers?
Do you support education or job training programs?
How do you assess and improve your community engagement and impact?
Do you share or loan equipment with members of your community?
What parts of the product’s identity are preserved and included in the final product branding?
What traceability measures are in place to ensure quality and provide full transparency to buyers and consumers?
Do you produce and sell non-food products?
Merchandizing US organic cotton and US made materials.
Making compost from oysters and seaweed internally but not creating for sale.
Cultivate the Best is our promise statement. By that, we mean we put special effort into cultivateing the best shellfish, the best people, the best places to work, the best environment, and the best communities.
Hog Island Oyster Company is a community of friends and family, farmers and chefs, customers and neighbors. We cultivate, create and serve the best oyster experience possible. We maintain respect and integrity in all our relationships: with ourselves, each other, our customers, our communities, and our planet. We continue to evolve in positive ways, as a company and as individuals – and we pledge to help each other do this. We are mindful of our sustainability – environmental, social, and financial, and the role it plays in our success – now, and in the future. At Hog Island, we choose to enjoy our work, have fun, and share this with our customers.