Aquaculture – Principle 9 | Seafood MAP

Preserves the quality and the story of the product throughout the supply chain


Preserves the quality and the story of the product throughout the supply chain

Transparency and traceability are needed not only to guarantee the quality and safety of our foods but also relay the story of the people and place that produced them. Companies that are vertically integrated or shorten their supply chains can better track where their product goes, how it is changed, and whether their story gets told to a consumer. New technologies, alongside established industry best practices, allow partners to easily share data between steps in the supply chain. When everyone involved is aligned on how to maintain the integrity and identity of a product, seafood becomes more honest and sustainable.

Danielle Leoni


Key Topics Explained 

What does the quality of the story mean and why does it matter?

Standing between our plates and our waters is the objective reality of widespread unsustainable fishing and farming practices too raveled for us to know. This is however being countered by heroic efforts of many to bring seafood to our plates that honors the planet and its people. These seafood heroes are everyday people who deal with opposing forces, make difficult decisions, take action despite risks and ultimately deliver more sustainable seafood to us against all odds. 

Their stories also embody each of our own experiences. The daily struggles and wins of life are the platform on which we all stand while trying to restore balance to life. Storied seafood is our chance to be honest with each other about the situation and to see that this epic battle for sustainable seafood is also the story of our own past, present and future. Only when we know of our fishers and farmers, where the scene is set, the challenges and the successes can we then imagine a better plate; a better seafood future. 

This reality comes together to give us the inspiration and understanding needed to meet the expectation of an improved future. The desire for change is the heart of our life’s story. Following the small triumphs of our fishers and water farmers over time and seeing them add up to contribute to a final triumph is what gives us hope for our own future. It draws us in and lets us put ourselves in their place to make you ask, what would I do in their place? The more you feel your own humanity, the more you can appreciate the humanity of others. We can only achieve our desires by learning from the stories of others. Stories let us understand the past, present and carry wisdom into the future to overcome problems.

Associated GSSI Global Benchmark Tool components: 


Associated SSCI Social Compliance Benchmark Tool components: