Aquaculture – Principle 10 | Seafood MAP

Creates co-products beyond seafood


Creates co-products beyond seafood
Aquaculture generates products beyond the fillet. Co-products, unlike by-products, are additional materials created during production that have value and are not thrown away. Fish producers are exploring creative ways to eliminate solid waste or freshwater discharge. Aquaponic systems generate leafy greens in addition to fish. New science is exploring the production of biogas from fish offal. These are just a few. Whatever the co-product, producers and their partners can establish additional channels and processing steps that reduce waste and generate sustainable alternatives to regular commodities.


Rowena Pullan


Key Topics Explained 

What co-products can aquaculture create?

Aquaculture has the potential to enable coexisting, complimentary operations.  For example it can be possible to grow seaweed alongside marine fisheries.  The fish waste supports seaweed growth while the seaweed growth reduces the fish waste fouling.  This has environmental benefits as well as poentially allowing greater fishery stocking.

In addition marine seaweed aquaculture could be a complimentary income stream for wild caught fishing operations which often have limited seasons.  Many of the assets held by such fishing operations could potentially also be sued for marine seaweed aquaculture.

Aquaculture can be used to grow seaweed which has potential in multiple applications beyond seafood.  Today, seaweed is being used for enteric methane reduction in ruminants, creating bio degradeable packaging, cosmetic and medical applications, raw materials for human food production as potential carbon sink material and much more.

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