Aquaculture – Principle 4 | Seafood MAP

Promotes a safe growing environment for a safe food source


Promotes a safe growing environment for a safe food source

Where a farm is placed and which inputs are added to it not only affects ecosystem health and fish welfare, but the health of the people who eat its products. Pest management, disease, and external contaminants can be managed in creative ways using new AI-based technology or supporting the natural responses of the local ecosystem and raised species. .

Associated GSSI Global Benchmark Tool components: 
  • C1.01 Aquatic Animal Health Management – Antimicrobial Usage 
  • C1.04 Aquatic Animal Health Management – Biosecurity 
  • C1.05 Aquatic Animal Health Management – Biosecurity 
  • C1.06 Aquatic Animal Health Management – Biosecurity 
  • C1.07 Aquatic Animal Health Management – Biosecurity 
  • C2.02 Chemical and Veterinary Drug Use – Chemical Usage
Associated SSCI Social Compliance Benchmark Tool components: